Unknown means Routy doesn't know where the conversions are coming from.
What does this mean
- The conversion did not come through a Routy link
- The program is reporting one number on the main reports, and another number on the click reports
- The program does not provide click reports
How to decrease the number of conversions under Unknown
There are a few different ways you can do this:
- Firstly, ensure that all your traffic is passing from Routy links
- Map your tracking profiles
- This is important if you want to see a breakdown of conversions Naturally, if previously you were not using Routy links, Routy cannot know what traffic source the conversions should be attributed to. So to see historic conversions mapped to a traffic source
- For affiliate programs that do not provide data at a dynamic variable level, it is important to map your tracking profiles
- If you still see discrepancies, please raise a ticket
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