After creating your traffic source, you can still make a few changes to it:
- Change the traffic source name and website URL
- Change the dynamic parameter prefix
To access the settings of the traffic source, simply press the Traffic Sources button in your sidebar, and select the traffic source. Press the Settings tab at the top of the page.
Change the traffic source name and website URL
To change the traffic source name, you can double-click the Name box, it will activate and allow you to change it.
Change the dynamic parameter prefix
When a user clicks on a Routy link, a dynamic variable is generated for them. Depending on the traffic source the link was generated for, a few letters will be appended before the numbers. For example, by default your traffic source prefix is set to be DP, the dynamic parameters generated for each click will be DP00001, DP00002 etc.
You can edit the prefix to be a few letters (2-4) to represent an acronym of the site or your traffic source. Some Routy users do this either to audit their numbers, or to pull the data into their own systems (via our API)
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