If your account is not showing stats, or the numbers are not matching your affiliate program numbers, there are a few checks you can do. In this article we will look at:
- Crawling Status section
- Manual Crawls
Crawling Status
To check that your account is being crawled correctly, press Crawling Status on the side menu. Here you can see the Program, Account Name you inputted when setting it up, the last time the account was crawled, and a message from the last crawl (if any). If there is no message, it means the account ran fine.
Manual Crawls
If there is an error or you wish to re-crawl an account press the Hamburger menu, shown below.
This will allow you to enter the Account Dashboard view, or Crawl the account
You can choose to crawl any period using the pop up window that appears
The crawl should happen after a couple of minutes, and if successful, you will see that there is no message near the account. If the message persists, please set up a ticket.
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